Christian Campfield, New York, NY
1. I read in some of the Cheng Hsin papers that if one has mastered this art, one would be a master of relationship. Is that so? If it is, then it would seem that Cheng Hsin has more of a functional value than some other methods of working on oneself.
2. Here is another question, if a person was already free from beliefs, would they understand the physical elements of Cheng Hsin more quickly/readily than one who still was into their beliefs?
1. The Cheng Hsin work has always been concerned with the whole matter of being human -- from body principles, physical skill and the nature of interaction to the workings of mind, communication, and the nature of reality and consciousness. As such, relationship is studied, and the components and challengesof relationship researched. When the dynamics of relationship are understood, and the principles of effective relating grasped, then we are certainly empowered to pursue relating more effectively. However, as with every other pursuit, mastery can be a long way off. And when it comes to human relationships, certainly not an easy task. But any headway made along those lines is immediately useful and worth the effort.
2. At least half the work of Cheng Hsin involves moving people beyond their own beliefs,
misinterpretations, and habits. Personal historical programming is an even more difficult obstacle, and most of our beliefs, misinterpretations, and habits arise, not as superficial affectations, but as expressions of our deeper programming. It is a challenge just to get people to recognize that they are dominated bybeliefs and that beliefs are not the truth. Simply an openness to the possibility of letting go of anything known or believed speeds up the undertaking considerably. But this should not be confused with adoptingwhat would amount to a new set of "Cheng Hsin" beliefs. This is not learning, it is believing once again. Much work still must be done to experience and verify principles and insights for one's self.
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